Saturday, October 07, 2006

Interview questions….. Which I got ( see – My interview experience part II)

This is the continuation of my interview experience....for Tech Mahindra...

(pleae follow my previous post regarding this...for continuation.....for want of time i avoided the conversational model.....)

Swapping programming
What is virtual function and why it is needed?
What is function overriding and overloading?
What is pass by value and pass by reference?
What would you like to be in next 2 years?
What are pointers? Why it is needed?
What is UDP?
What is difference between linked list and array?
What is static pointer and constant pointer?
What are the layers of OSI model?
What language would u prefer…? System programming or web programming..?
C, C++ I mean system programming
What subjects you had in Ur course..?
What topics you studied in Web technolgy paper..?
Difference between a=b++ & a=++b
Do you have logical thinking…?
Yes mam...Of course...
Then how would sort the list of numbers logically…?
I took an easiest example with 4 numbers and sorted it..


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