Interview part 2:
It happened recently…a month TechM @ Anna university. My reporting time
Actually I must congratulate the authorities for providing the sign boards.. to help the new comers about the various blocks….except for some reason that they forget to mention the location of the Humanities block (why???!)
I wandered here and there in search of Humanities block till 12.40 and to my surprise no one I enquired there had any clue about this block….though it is just opposite to mathematics block..( mathematically I derived it later… :-) !)
They called me at 1.10 sharp to interview room, actually it was a second year class room of anna university where two candidates are already being interviewd at the two diagonal extremes of the room. I was asked to wait in another corner.
Meanwhile I took a look at the wooden benches which stood as the witnesses for the boring lectures. Bcoz they are n no way superior to my 10th standard benches where we used to engage ourselves with compass to carve out our dream hero or to sculpt the name in our latest crush list, whenever the teacher was boring.
Also I could hear the questions of my previous interviewer..and his confident answers. Atlast they called me……
Me: gud afternoon mam
Iv: gudafternoon…..balaji…sit down
Me: thank u mam
Iv: tell me about urself
Me: ………………………….
Iv: where is
Me: Near Avadi…….mam
Iv: (after leafing through my resume….)
Which stream u r frm..?
Iv: what project u did..?
(Since I intenally left the project column in my CV )
Me: ………( I said about theortical aspects of project……)
Iv: Which language u used.?
Iv: oh..isint? What classes u employed?
Me: I was stumped by this question and then said something like awt conepts, image components etc with the help of swings…
(like a vivek comedy atomic energy coupled with Java…! –))
Iv: she had an impish smile…with only 3 classes u could able to do it? Fine..
what language r u familiar with..?
Me: c++
Iv : ( again an impish smile ) …why all of u are familiar in c++?
And though u did
Iv : What is OOPS?
Me :……………..
…………….to be continued………………….