Inheritance of Loss
This coveted novel a Booker winner of last year, written by KiranDesai revolves around 5 dfferent characthers. Jemubai- a retiered ICS person, his granddaughter Sai, a cook of them, his son and Gyan tutor od Sai. This novel forms a base from nepalist extremism whose demand is seperate land of Gorkhas called Gorkhaland. This story makes and attempt to capture all sort of social evils in a pictursque manner justifying its Booker berth. The author seems to be penning her thoughts deep inside her heart which could only be possible had she experienced and thouht of these things. A good novel to read and think about.
And finally the cat was out of the wall - i mean my java results came and i was fortunate enough to have survived in TechM just in a niche.